Insects and Spiders
I find insects and spiders interesting subjects for close-up photography in part because photographs often reveal anatomical details that are difficult or impossible to see with the naked eye. There exist approximately one million species of insects that have been cataloged and described, about 90,000-100,000 of them in North America, and an additional 5-9 million insect species believed to exist but not yet described. Spiders are the most numerous of the class arachnida (which also includes mites, ticks, harvestmen and scorpions). To date some 40,000 species of spiders have been identified. As we all learn early on, insects have six legs, spiders and other arachnids (with a few exceptions) have eight. Less well known is the fact that, alone among arachnids, all spider species can produce silk, though not all produce webs. Given the large numbers of both insects and spiders, identification is difficult. My criterion for including these photographs was that they be interesting or unusual. I have made educated guesses at identification, but likely have made some errors. Assistance in correcting errors and improving identification will be appreciated.